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Minggu, Juni 01, 2008


Ir. Soekarno is Somebody the pioneer power Indonesia, why the people in Indonesia can’t say freedom for our country ? what wrong, what do you think Indonesian system is wrong, maybe all or only part of the system. Why the people in Indonesia called our self clever, stronger, religius for nation. What wrong this the best question for my self, for you ,and people in Indonesia.We must be can to answer or not? because Indonesian are the best actor and actrees on the heroes movie. and on reality they are only a trash. Are you trust me?, you trust him?,you trust friend?, I thinking maybe you not trust the president. Who’s the reality hero , are you, me,or the president ? and the last option is a trash.
And now is very important you can do to introspection about our self, {we,you,and they }can to see love, peace, and freedom. The philospher love about justice because we only trash can’t care with everything. Always said justice, laws,human being and these only bullshit !!! because me personal freedom and freeman. Free for thinking ,talking,because my country democracy little bit crazy? But, if talking about loyalty with country you can’t say anything what do you want ??? please you talked with a grass this word from Ebit G.Ade the profesional singer and the profesional way of live.

1234 what are you doing man? for you country, for the best future this nation of the Indonesia. You want critic with government , demonstration on street, or sleep at the home and to prayed with God . you are only have a dreams but only you can make dreams come true. You say the Indonesian religius nation but you make bad politic mixer with religion. I’m sorry my friends just want a laugh because that’s funny ha….ha…ha…ha…. hu…1234 Project Pop they said Indonesian heterogen is beautiful like shining a lamp, like colors on the flower. Heterogen is enlightment and word for this problem is nobody’s perfect or superman is dead. Whom heroes on this country? only you , loyalty organization with nation, and God bless you.
Please waiting for 3 seconds I want play guitar life, sing a song about Lapindo exidence, corupptor, and I’m thinking when last the end Indonesian crying with to much problems. Because I’m the writter don’t understand about speak English I’m sorry, you know Indonesia now want anything very quik?, but the people hungry and angry. You are angry or hungry . do you have planning for next government in Indonesia, do you have been that’s planning ???.
We have a millions question and only have one answer that is the greatness of the laws, justice, culture. The politic Indonesian need support from the people, Indonesia now like area dim, maybe like at the discotek. And writer have one question with Indonesian , are you love with your country ?. you must be believe with government, your must be believe with our nation.

The last word for the people in Indonesia and the people in the worlds. The heroes is difficult to get freedom Indonesian, and for the people in the worlds God is not easy to make this worlds you must be protected for regeneration. You can do it?

1. Kategori lomba perguruan tinggi
2. Visi Bung Karno dalam bidang kebangsaan
3. Alasan saya memilih tema Bung Karno, karena merupakan tokoh nasionalis yang memiliki segudang pengetahuan. Adapun misi dan visinya selalu berorientasi pada bangsa tanpa membedakan ras, golongan ,suku,dan agama. Mempunyai ketegasan yang tertuang di dalam Pancasila dan mengutamakan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa yang dijadikan tolak ukur yang utama, disamping itu beliau adalah tokoh yang memiliki kredibilias yang mendunia.

Saya menyampaikan orak-orek orang awam ini dengan gaya atau style anak muda jadi penulis mengharapkan, tidak ada yang sakit jiwa karena orang Indonesia untuk saat ini jiwanya sedang sakit. Ya… begitulah yang sekarang bermunculan adalah orang- orang yang mencoba membawa “kebenaran” dalam bentuk kepicikan.

Mengagungkan agama sendiri dan menganggap diri paling bermoral dan bijaksana tetapi kenyataanya malah bikin bangsa tambah kacau Integritaspun mulai terancam orang-orang fanatisme sempit yang tidak memiliki kecerdasan emosional dan politik. Udah dulu ya… alasannya sih sebenarnnya banyak sekali, semoga sukses bisa dirasakan setiap hari dan setiap saat.

4. Bung Karno Nation Of The Spirit
8. 8 MEI 1987 ( 21 Tahun 4 Hari )
9. Laki-laki
10. Jln . Sanggalangit 1.no :4
11. 081936024469
12. Faximile belum ada, semoga suatu saat nanti saya bisa punya mohon doa ya
13. Kategori terakhir yang perlu saya tambahkan cinta tanah air, berbudi pekerti luhur, boleh fanatis terhadap agama asal pada tempat dan ruang lingkupnya serta dengan kadar porsi yang pas. Mampu mempertahankan jati diri bangsa seperti pejuang yang mempertahankan negeri tercinta ini. Cinta budaya Indonesia yang sudah heterogen dari sononya. Merdeka !!! ayo silahkan bersiul dan teriak.

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